KAYRX 0-0-20
Potassium is an essential macronutrient and it has several key roles in crop production. Potassium is associated with the movement of water, nutrients, and carbohydrates within the plant. It's involved with select enzymatic processes, helps the opening and closing of the stomata, and enhances the translocation of sugars and starch. KayRX is a crop safe, potassium acetate based foliar, with excellent foliar uptake for optimal K utilization. KayRX is backed by VaRX Technology - a proprietary amino acid package formulated to help mitigate stresses crops might encounter during the growing season, and it helps with nutrient absorption through the leaves and roots.
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Crop safe, potassium acetate foliar with excellent K uptake and utilization
VaRX Technology - helps mitigate stress and nutrient absorption

Active Ingredients

Potassium (K) 20%

States Registered

Product is registered for use in these states. Check to be sure a specific use pattern is approved in your area before use. Contact Innvictis or your local state agency for more information.


Not Registered


KAYRX 0-0-20 Label - RD031423 Download


KAYRX 0-0-20 Safety Data Sheet Download
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