Volacept D+V
Over the top treatments of low-volatility dicamba must have an approved drift reduction agent (DRA) along with an approved reduction agent (VRA). Innvictis Crop Care recommends the following premium adjuvant providing an approved DRA, VRA, water conditioner, and wetter all in one. Volacept D+V is a four-in-one combination product containing a nonionic surfactant, drift control, and is an ammonium free water conditioner and volatility reduction agent.
  • Overview
  • States Registered
  • Label/SDS
  • Product Content


New all in one NIS + WC + DRA + VRA product
Offers the convenience of a single use tank mix adjuvant that meets all requirements for accompanying dicamba herbicide labels, including Xtendimax®, Engenia®, and Tavium® applications
Low use rate compared to other all-in-one products & prior DRA/VRA materials
Product use rate is 1% v/v or 19.2 fl oz per acre @ 15GPA
Effectively manages hard water, spray volatility, spray drift, and reduces tank mix foam

Modes of Action

Water Conditioner
Drift Control
Utility Aid

States Registered

Product is registered for use in these states. Check to be sure a specific use pattern is approved in your area before use. Contact Innvictis or your local state agency for more information.


Not Registered


Volacept D+V Label - RD101421 Download


Volacept D+V Safety Data Sheet Download
Volacept D+V Sales Sheet Download