Revize PBI
Revize PBI is a novel soybean seed treatment that has a unique insecticide/fungicide combination that provides protection against key pests and diseases. Revize PBI contains the active ingredient ethaboxam, which fills in the gaps that metalaxyl/mefanoxam cannot on susceptible resistant Pythium.
  • Overview
  • States Registered
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Has three novel fungicides that provide protection against most soybean seedling diseases
Protects entire plant: multiple mode of actions create a complete zone of protection above and below ground
Control on a wider spectrum: protects against more Phytophthora and Pythium species, and insects, than any other seed protection product
User-friendly treatment: smooth flowability and low use rate ensure a consistent, even application and easy treatment experience
Contains metalaxyl, clothianidin, ipconazole, and ethaboxam

Active Ingredients

Clothianidin 1.91 lb/gal
Ethaboxam 0.282 lb/gal
Ipconazole 0.094 lb/gal
Metalaxyl 0.075 lb/gal

States Registered

Product is registered for use in these states. Check to be sure a specific use pattern is approved in your area before use. Contact Innvictis or your local state agency for more information.


Not Registered


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